Rates are based on number of diving days. Payments are in US dollars.

Methods of payments

Bank transfer or credit card

Individual Payment Terms

30% is charged at time of reservation.

30% is charged 120 days prior to expedition.

40% is charged 60 days prior to expedition.

Individual Cancellation Terms

30% of total booking amount will be charged if canceled more than 120 days in advance of expedition.

60% of total booking amount will be charged if canceled between 120 to 60 days in advance of expedition.

100% of total booking amount will be charged if canceled less than 60 days in advance of expedition.


Dive sites are at the discretion of the instructor / guide. Colombia Dive Adventures SAS is not responsible for any loss, damage or stolen luggage, personal equipment and property during your stay or during your participation in the activities.

Lost or damaged rental diving equipment including surface marker buoy and personal locator beacon are to be reimbursed at the current replacement value.

Passengers are responsible for meeting all health requirements necessary for scuba Diving. Colombia Dive Adventures SAS highly recommend that divers undergo a health checkup by a healthcare professional if they book a diving trip. Passengers must notify us in writing at the time of booking of any physical or mental illness. Please inform us and especially the dive guides if you are taking medication or suffer from allergies.

All passengers will be asked to fill out our Liability Release form. Please read the form and if you have any questions or concerns then let us know.

Diving takes place around wild animals and in order to avoid personal injuries and negative impact on the ecosystem we follow the Malpelo code of good practices which will be briefed by our guide/park officer. Passengers who act irresponsibly can have an adverse impact on their dive buddies and the dive community. As a result unsafe, illegal, or irresponsible behavior it is not tolerated.

Colombia Dive Adventures SAS will not accept any responsibility for any delay, additional expense or inconvenience that may be caused to the passengers, directly or indirectly by events beyond our control, such as late arrival of flights, unusually severe weather, acts of God, acts of government, road strikes or the failure of any machinery or equipment.

Colombia Dive Adventures SAS, its officers, employees, agents and contractors shall not be liable for any injury, loss, accident, damage, delay, omission, irregularity or breach that occurs in connection with these agreements. The passengers understand and accept all the risks associated with each and every one of the activities, including terrestrial and aquatic activities, air travel, travel by car, swimming, snorkeling, diving and boating.


It is mandatory that passengers have a dive specific insurance to provide coverage in the event of an accident. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need assistance with obtaining a dive insurance (at least one week prior to the trip). It is strongly recommended taking out a full travel insurance policy at the time of booking, to protect you and all those accompanying you for the full duration of your visit against illness, injury, death, loss of luggage and personal items, cancellation and other travel contingencies.


In accordance with Law 679 of August 3, 2001, issued by the Congress of the Republic of Colombia, which are issued to prevent and counteract exploitation, pornography and sexual tourism with minors.

In accordance to this Law, all people must prevent, block, combat and denounce the exploitation, use, publication, diffusion of images, texts, documents, audiovisual archives, undue use of global information networks, or the establishing of telecommunications links of any kind of pornographic material or allusions to sexual activities of minors.

In development of the stipulate of article 17 of Law 679 of 2001, the agency warns the tourist that the exploitation and sexual abuse of minors in the country are penalized and administratively sanctioned, in accordance with the laws in force. Likewise and in order to comply with Resolution 3840 of December 24, 2009 and according to Article 1 of Law 1336 of July 21, 2009, Colombia Dive Adventures SAS adopted a Model Code of Conduct, in order to prevent and avoid sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in tourism.


COLOMBIA DIVE ADVENTURES SAS declares that it is not on any list of those established locally or internationally for the control of money laundering and terrorist financing; likewise in application of the Policy of Prevention of Money Laundering, it will verify that its subcontractors, suppliers, members of the board of directors or board of partners, its legal representatives and its fiscal reviewer, are not found in this lists either.


Items such as aerosols and non-biodegradable cleaning elements (soap, shampoo, etc.) should be avoided. Alcoholic beverages should not be consumed before diving because they accelerate blood circulation and increase the likelihood of decompression sickness. For this reason, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited, during the stay in the park. Vaccination: Yellow Fever and Tetanus.


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